Easy Foam Spray Foam Insulation Australia Wide

Insulate With Easy Foam

Enjoy the benefits of insulating with Icynene, creating an environment that is Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient.

Good News - We have a solution

Many existing homes have no insulation what so ever within the external walls exposing the home to all elements making life a misery in terms of temperature transfer, mould ingress, condensation, dust, insects, and noise/sound control. Many older homes have sunken degraded useless insulation having turned to dust and now ineffective.

Without the need and expense to demolish, re-insulate, re-sheet, re-plaster and repaint these rooms to enable better energy efficiency you may want to look at this solution.

Icynene insulated external walls have higher thermal properties, reduce pollution inside your home and provide protection against noise pollution.

Internal Walls

Insulating your internal walls with Easy Foam maximises your heating and cooling zones, minimizes mould and mildew by limiting moisture condensation while also reducing internal sound transfer.

Double Brick Wall Cavities

Can be injected externally via 10mm drill holes in Mortar Joints.
50mm Cavity x Length of walls x Height of walls minus window / door openings.
Slow rise Polyurethane high density pour foam.

Home owners Existing wall cavity foam fill insulation

To take some control over your install and avoid awkward questions, guess work for your own peace of mind, the following table will be helpful in your decision making in terms of the physical process and cost, to enable your home to be more comfortable and energy efficient.

First we need to determine if there is or is not sarking/builders wrap in the walls. (Volume thickness). Then measure the lineal meters and also the height.

A. To estimate the square meters, provide length x height of all required walls and multiply =
Total: A. ........m2
B. Measure windows, doors, ranch sliders. Width x height and multiply, add then total B.
Deduct B. .......m2
C. Actual wall dimensions to be insulated.
A. minus B. = C. .......m2  Actual yieldable walls to be quoted on.

Next step is to identify stud thickness to calculate volumes for quote.

Preference is given to applying wall foam to external walls via internal gyprock.
Pictures and furniture to be moved from walls minimum 1.5-meter clearance.
Studs and noggins will be identified, chalk marked and pre-drill 10mm hole preparation.
Hole and shot pattern: Foam injected from bottom to ceiling.
Cavity consists of 2 studs + 1 noggin or top plate. Min of 3 holes each depending on cavity thickness. Drill holes for home owner to gap fill, sand and repaint.

Note: All dimensions shall be re-checked prior to install to ensure neither parties are disadvantaged. In short…. you pay for what you get and all our customers love that security.